Why Russia should reject using the name "Eurasia".

Why “Eurasia” is wrong. In an essay I wrote titled “The Russia – Europe Paradox”, in which I stated why I believe it a dangerous mistake for Russia to accept being labeled as in any way “European”, I also speculated briefly on why Russia might have been so willing to accept this piece of domination by a foreign entity. I wrote: “ Sadly, this view of Russia as being “of” Europe, as being “European,” has found a home among many of Russias’ intellectual, academic and senior political leading lights. Why is something of a mystery. The writer L. van der Post, in his “Journey into Russia” which is highly Colonial racist in its view of Russians, states that it is because the people are desperate to leave behind their recent history of being mud hut living “white African” savages!! They still want to “be” European, in spite of the horrors inflicted on them by Europeans, especially the siege of Leningrad by German Nazi...