Problems of the Evolutionary Hypothesis I do not hold the concept of evolution—Darwinian or otherwise—to be a tenable speculation; this is viewing the debate from a slightly different perspective from those of others who question evolution. The so called "Theory of Evolution" was first proposed by Darwin based on observable physiological characteristics. This was seized upon as an escape from the dominance of religious thought, which had held that man was a being made, and thus owned, by a mystical God. Some—a very few-fossilised remains of human—like bones were found, and the "flow-chart" constructed which fit the theory. Basically, in order to explain similarities of form across species the theory was, and is, that the various species must have had a common ancestor and then "diverged" in small but cumulative ways. It was a neat story. And there are some small ways it does work, but only within species. As an explanation for the variety of species, and...