Finding a balance of blame for the Tehran Airplane Disaster

Where does the Blame lie for the Shooting down of a passenger Airplane over Tehran. 

As we all know, after America murdered the highly revered Iranian General Soleimani in Iraq whilst he was on a Diplomatic peace mission instigated by the US, Iran gave a very controlled response of targeting American bases, being careful to  not harm a single US service person. The Trump response has been vitriolic in the extreme, desecrating the memory of this soldier and Diplomat, telling lies about him guaranteed to inflame the situation in Iran, and threatening to launch missiles to destroy revered Cultural sites.
Under this situation, a few hours after the Iranian missile response, a commercial passenger aircraft left Tehran airport and was shot down by an Iranian missile. The reason given was that the airline had been directed over a military site, engaging a warning system, the operator had 10 seconds to make a decision as to whether it was an incoming missile, and sadly made the wrong one.  The Iranian Government has admitted its error, apologised and ordered an investigation and compensation payments. More they could not do.
However on a video tape discussion by "The Duran" between Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou, in the name of "fair unbiased reporting" all the blame was sheeted home to Iraq and the person who allowed the flight to go ahead.  Whilst no one can doubt that clearly there are problems with communication and protocols in Iran, that these journalists can be so one sided about it is disturbing.

The following is the comment I made on YouTube and Bitchute to their comments.

Whilst I have no problems with the analysis as regards the mistakes made by Iran, it's far too one sided.

Yes, no one doubts that the major error made was by whoever it is in Iran who has responsibility for making "fly or no-fly" decisions; they made the wrong one, and one that many with no training of any kind would not have made. However, there is a balance of blame here; only one side is being targeted. The fact is, it is America which initiated violence against Iran, as it has been doing for decades, following on from the abuse and theft Iran has suffered under the British.

The antagonism, the constant diatribes by Trump, Bolton et al, describing Iran as a nation of terrorists etc etc, the very same tactics and words used to blind American masses into accepting an invasion of Iraq and Libya, followed by the murder of General Soleimani, the ongoing threats by Trump of destroying cultural sites, all have made a massive contribution to this situation. How is anyone responsible for the safety of Iran going to react when, after years of this, after the recent massive grief and shock that America would do such a thing, and make such threats, thinking he sees a missile incoming and with 10 seconds to make a decision, going to do anything else?.

The immense threat being made to Iran was clarified here:

I am more than a little shocked at this imbalance; that you heap all blame on the Iran error, without pointing out the context in which it was made. Sadly, I have to say, shocked but not surprised. It's been a trend here I have recently noticed: excuse Trump and America and blame the victim. Well, sorry, it doesn't wash. Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing happens free of it's context. If Trump and America hadn't stirred the region into hyper tension and anger then this accident would never have happened. Period.

However it does highlight how another repetition of this is a possible. If one of those bases located on the Russian Border housing America missiles, some with nuclear warheads, and some other "human error" causes Russia to believe it has incoming -- given American attitudes to Russia this past 20 yrs, what do you think Russia's reaction is going to be?? When 2 similar situations occurred in Cold War No. 1, the two Russian officers involved were able to think that it must be an error, and not to react. Given the American behaviour of late, it's unlikely they would now. Unless America quits its insane Russophobic hysteria, we could be looking at much more massive disaster - which is why it's so essential to sheet home the part of blame which lies with America.


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